Rotorua Chiropractors Promote Community Wellness
Discover how our natural chiropractic care may help improve your health & quality of life. We look forward to caring for you and your loved ones!
Discover how our natural chiropractic care may help improve your health & quality of life. We look forward to caring for you and your loved ones!
Rotorua Chiropractors Dr John Funnell and Dr Margi Bishop-Funnell live and work in our beautiful community. Since 1986, families have been coming to the practice for quality chiropractic care. We are proud of the many generations of families who have grown up along with our practice. In fact, two doctors currently on staff were patients when they were babies!
In many cases, the initial patient in the family tends to be an infant. When parents notice the results their baby gets, they're encouraged to bring other family members in. We estimate that we've cared for about a third of the newborns in our area during the first year of their life.
In addition to Dr John and Dr Margi, we have a team of chiropractors who are skilled in a variety of techniques including Diversified, Gonstead, Activator®, Network Spinal, and Webster. If a patient requests a specific type of care, we can provide it. For those who need multiple modalities for best results, our team can offer that.
When you come to our practice, we'll ask about what health goals you're hoping to achieve. We know most patients come to see us because of pain. Once that's corrected, what's next? Our patients are motivated to stay healthy and pain-free through wellness care.
Whatever your issue, chiropractic may help reduce your pain and increase your level of wellness. We've helped thousands of patients with natural, focused and gentle chiropractic care. Together, we've helped them find solutions for :
Are you ready to get rid of your pain and start living again? Call to speak with our caring staff. We'll answer all your questions and concerns, and get you started back on the path to wellness. Contact us now; we'd love to hear from you!
1360 Eruera Street
Rotorua, 3010